Risk Assessment for Activities with Children and Young people taking part in rowing with PSKC

Risk Assessment for Activities with Children and Young people taking part in rowing with PSKC

What are the hazards?
Who might be harmed and how?
What are you already doing?
Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk?
Action by whom?
Action by when?
Lost children
Children may become lost before and after sessions – and potentially during sessions of land or water
·         Each group leader is responsible for checking children in and out.  The teachers will be responsible for getting the children to and from the beach.
·         On the water and beach the group leader will ensure that all children are kept in sight.
·         Group leaders will keep a log of parents’ phone numbers
·         Consent form (organised by teachers) should indicate whether children are allowed to walk home on their own
Group leaders (i.e. The lead sailing, kayaking and rowing instructor)
Every time
Accidents and injuries on water through capsize, collisions and loss of control
Children may sustain injuries or remain in the water too long
·         Reduce risk by ensuring that children only go on the water when conditions are appropriate for their abilities (which will be assessed). Group leader decides
·         Groups leaders are in the skiff with the children and  maintain constant sight of all children
·          Boats do not leave area defined by group leader (children briefed)
·         All children to wear Personal Floatation Devices at all times on the water
·         Children required to wear wetsuits or other clothing appropriate to weather and conditions including jackets and appropriate footwear
·         Children given safety briefing on first session
·         Boats used, regularly maintained
·         First aid kit available on rescue boat
(and onshore)
·         The group leader has a radio on the skiff
·         Qualified first aider will be available at each session
Group leaders
By Start of 2018 season
Medical events or emergencies based on pre-existing condition
Children: Medical event may take place during session
·         Maintaining record of condition in consent form which is transferred to information held by group leader (or someone within group).
·         Group leader takes account of condition in advance of first session, taking advice as required from the teachers. Where this involves the use of medications this should previously be agreed by teachers with parents.
·         Contact details for doctors/medical support maintained.
Keep central record which is kept confidential and only used where appropriate
Group leaders
From April  2018
Children coming ashore wet and cold without appropriate facilities
Children: cold and hypothermia
·         Children should not be in the water when rowing the skiff.  However if they do go in they should not be left in water for more than a few minutes
·         Needs to be person on beach to receive children
·         Hot drinks available
·         Arrangement with pool for changing
Arrangement with pool for changing if required
Hypothermia kit is hanging in the shed
Training co-ordinator and Group leaders
From April  2018
Injury sustained ashore such as through quad bike or tractor
Children: Falling off quad bike/tractor, collisions
·         Enforce rule that there should be no children travelling as passengers on quad bike/tractor
All users of quad bike/tractor should have had training session
Training co-ordinator and Group leaders
From April  2018
Anxiety or actual inability to cope caused by poor weather conditions
Children may feel pressured to participate against their will and either fail to cope effectively or lose confidence
·         Be clear about when conditions are appropriate for each group
·         Make arrangements if some of group  are anxious (e.g, travel in rescue boat)
Group leader to understand ability and confidence levels of participants
Group leaders
From April  2018
Risk from adults (16 plus)
Non- assessed risk from adult
·         Disclosure requirement enforced for all helpers
·         Group leaders to observe any unsafe behaviour by other adult helpers and act to correct / prevent repeat
Ensure that all disclosures in place
Checking existing disclosures of all of those to whom it is relevant
Ali now pursuing
By Start of 2018 season

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