Trustees meeting 19th January 2021


MINUTES of a meeting of the Trustees, held on ZOOM at 7.30 p.m. on the 19th January 2021.

  1. Present:

Trustees:  David Crawley (DC) (Chair), Jane Martin (JM), Richard Hope (RH) Allan Smith (AS) (Treasurer), Harry Crawley (HC), Sara Christie (SC), Anthony Alderson (AA) (Secretary),

2. Apologies: Paul Walker (PW)

  1. Approval of the Minutes for 18th November was given.
  2. Matters Arising: None
  3. Action Points brought forward from previous meetings were reviewed, those still ongoing


  1. AGM Process

Updates would have to be quite short because of zoom. Newsletter acts as a good update and seems to have been well received.  

March 1st to circulate papers.  RH pointed out that constitution may say 14 days for AGM.

JM reported interest from Mandy Toogood to join the board. She doesn’t want to join both Rowporty as well as main board.  JM outlined Mandy’s involvement in mentoring and coaching. A great deal of experience working with community groups.

  1. New Build

Robin Nichol remains in volved in RYA. Meeting with Jack and Robin was extremely positive, high regarded from RYA for the club

JM reported applicated submitted to Sport Scotland facilities fund in Nov.  Jack reported huge volume of applications. We should hear in March. No news at this stage is good news. PSKC has applied for 50% of project cost £78k.

Application also gone to Benzies foundation for £35k. JM has list for other foundations and Trusts. Screwfix, Aldi and Tesco all have awards for community projects. Tesco might be useful for PR but not necessarily a large fund.

Members campaign, we need to establish working group. JM aware of a number of people who have been involved in fundraising campaigns like the kilt walk. Hunter foundation giving match funding for those in kilt walk.

We should establish route for gift aid activity like Crowdfunder.

DC reiterated to Jack and Robin at RYA the scrutiny the board will have on building project and quotes. DC suggested a zoom call with each of the sub committees.

ACTION: DC to set up calls with the sub-committee members to build on board involvement in fundraise.

JM asked what had been shared with membership on designs etc.  JM suggested that this would be a good advocacy. Possibly at the AGM to put a few slides up.

ACTION: SC To get most up-to-date drawing for the building prior to AGM

JM reminded trustees that match funding would be 50% or more. If extension required JM didn’t anticipate much resistance. DC confirmed goodwill in the club.  JM confirmed that Robin will be lead from RYA and help swap learnings from other clubs. Could RYA help amplify our campaign.

AA asked where we are with planning?

JM reported that planning was granted in May, There are new heads of terms on lease but we need to get 25 year lease signed.

DC confirmed that PW is in touch with council and council are being reasonably responsive.

RH asked about building warrant. SC confirmed that it hadn’t yet been granted and that the mainswater manhole needs moving. John is working on it. Manhole is next to the wall next to the little white shed. It is mains water access.

DC has a contact at Scottish Water.

Lucy Ven de Wen works for Scottish water and useful contact.

ACTION: DC To contact Scottish water

  1. Policies Update


RH Safeguarding policy is fine, guidelines don’t have enough detail and will need to be reviewed. We should take guidance from Children First as Sports Scotland do. RH to dig guidance doc out.

  1. AOB

RH – Membership and storage, concern about storage and creating a policy on number of boats in the yard. RH suggested subgroup from across the club is established.

AA – Could we find temporary storage?.

RH and SC confirmed that there are some boats that we probably want to move on. SC confirmed that Andy wants to clear some of the boats and clearing the back corner would also create some room.

RH and SC To speak to Joel and others about leaving the club and removing boats.

RH We must decide what members we are happy to renew by April 1st

AA reminded Trustees that they should notify Secretary or Chair if they wish to stand again. wish to stand again

SC reported on Break in. SC looked at CCTV for Police Scotland, people could not be identified.

  1. Date of Next meeting March 16th 2021


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