PSKC Trustees meeting 24th October 2017

Present: Andy Johnstone, Ian Coldwell, Steve Bacica, Catherine Scott, Sara Christy, Lorna Sherwood, Lynn

Apologies: Jeremy Webb, Graeme Findlay, Mhairi Sumner

Accidents/incidents/ near misses – A skiff hit some rocks off Leith.  It was freed and there was no damage to the skiff.  A navigation lecture is being organised.

There were multiple dinghy capsizes on Sunday 15th October.  The wind was gusting 20.  There was a general call back for all sailors as the rescue boat carried out recovery operations but not everyone knew.  It has been decided to have a red flag system so that when it is hoisted all sailors know to come back to shore.  The RNLI came along to observe the recovery operation.  They were happy with the systems we had in place.  Sara with buy the red flag.  Sara

Items brought forward:

Tractor registration – Steve is look into registering the tractor.

Web Site – This is ongoing and will be reported on in December by Jeremy, Lorna and Graeme.

Try-a-thon – It was seen as successful although earlier warning might have got more people along.

Constitution and Child protection policy – Richard will draft something for the next meeting. Richard

Gate meshing – It was decided to go ahead with mesh or slabs for the front entrance to the yard asap.  Andy will investigate and take forward.  Andy

Rust Protection on fence – This was raised as a concern by Olly Treadway.  Ian will investigate.  Ian

Future Plans – Each discipline will send their common goals to Ian so he can put together an overarching plan for the next meeting with Robin Paris.  The next meeting is 5th Dec with Robin Paris.  Steve is to organise time and place.  Steve

Membership – A discussion was had around membership renewal and the admin’ involved in managing membership and the accounting for the year.  It was agreed that we will continue with the 4 months extra membership for members that join in the close season. i.e. people that join from 1st December will get 1 yr and 4 months membership (normally membership runs from 1st April).

Accounting – Some members have still not paid their yard storage.  Sara will chase up the non paying sailors and Richard the kayakers. Sara and Richard

Lynn has produced an expenditure sheet to track expenditure by each discipline.  The treasurer from each discipline will oversee the payments for all purchases.  This new system will be discussed by each discipline committee.  Graeme, Richards, Catherine

Village Fair BBQ – It was decided that the money raised from this should go into the core funds.

Hootanany on the High Cs – Individual committees are to contact their members.  They will ask if people have prizes to gift and tell Conrad and Andy.  Discipline committees


Next Meeting 12th Dec


AGM 6th Feb

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