Kayaking FAQs & Contact

Kayaking FAQs

Q. What experience do I need before I join the club?

A. As we paddle in the open sea we recommend that you do some training on sheltered water before paddling in the sea.  The following clubs offer this:

Once you have some experience of paddling on sheltered water you can join the club at https://pskc.org.uk/your-membership

Q. Can I hire kayaks from the club?

A.  No, we do not hire our kayaks out.  They are for club use only.

Q. Can I store my kayak at there club?

A. Please email storage@pskc.org.uk to find out more.

Q. Is it possible for members to borrow boats outside of organised times?

A. No, they are used for group sessions. If you join the club you would be able to join in these organised group sessions and use the kayaks then.

Q. How can I find out what member events are coming up?

A. Once you are a full member of the club you will receive an invite to the online group where we publish the upcoming sessions.

Contact Us

You can email us at kayak@pskc.org.uk

Please let us know what experience level you have in the email.