PSKC Trustees meeting 30th January 2017

Present: Andy Johnstone, Steve Bacica, Catherine Scott, Richard Hope, Mhairi Sumner,
Graeme Findlay, Ian Coldwell, Lorna Sherwood

Apologies: Jeremy Webb, Sara Christy

Accidents/ incidents/ near missesnon to report
*Andy is to be sent all incidents from the disciplines for records

Matters arising

Updates safety documents – Graeme is going to send the updated documents (including information about radios, the location of the RIB knife and shroud cutters) to Steve to be put on the web site. Graeme

Shed roofThis will be fixed by Steve in when the weather gets better. Steve

Kayak trailerRichard to speak to max and get the trailer to Indispension. Richard

RIBSafety cable on trailer and other RIB jobs to be dealt with by the sailing committee. Graeme

Web siteDifficulties of the current system were discussed. Jeremy being away means the web site will not be updated/ re-built until April/ May. He has been looking at ‘Team Stuff’ as a replacement package.

It was decided to make do with the old web site. But there is a need to populate it so that we have something working for this season. Each discipline would meet and decide what to put on the web site for the ‘shop front’ of the club. Membership renewal is to continue on Member Mojo. The 3 committees of sailing, rowing and kayaking

New trusteesNew trustees Mhairi Sumner and Catherine Scott were co-opted on to the trustees today.

Sub committee responsibilitiesRichard is completing the sub-committee responsibilities documents. Richard


Toilet blockGraeme has been n touch with the architect and Damien from Big Things on the Beach. He is getting no response from the council. Graeme will keep us up-to- date. Graeme

AALA licenceAndy will buy the waterproof book needed to record maintenance records. These will be checked by someone from each committee each week and arrangements will be made via the committees to make any repairs. Rowing, sailing and kayaking committees

Steve and Graeme are to source a fuel store. Steve and Graeme

Andy is looking for an expert advisor for sailing. Andy

Andy is to write a check list for monitoring instructors decision making during activity sessions. Andy

Swimming centreThe swimming club at the Portobello swimming pool would like to go sailing, rowing and kayaking. The trustees would lie to support this. Andy will get back to the swimming club to advise on the ratios involved for the different disciplines (at the moment 2/3 instructors to 6 novices for kayaking and 1:6 sailing ratio plus a rescue boat driver and crew. All depends on the weather. He will speak to Ali grant regarding rowing. Andy

Child protectionAndy would like to hand over Child protection to someone. Mhairi is going to ask Julie Cunningham. Mhairi

Ring fenced Row Porty moneyIt was agreed that money raised by the 3 disciplines is ring fenced for them in the first instance. Ideally if an allocation can be made from core funds this will be added to any funds raised.

Ian suggested each discipline should plan what resources they want this year and what adjustments they want to make to existing funding strategies.

A discussion was had on distribution of club funds to the disciplines. A possible structure of allocating funds for 2017 would be to do it in rough proportion to the contribution to the budget each discipline makes. This will be discussed at the next trustees meeting.  Trustees

Junior members joining feesjunior members who join to do a 6 week kayak block should ideally pay less than £20 (this is in contrast to sailing junior members who can get a years use out of the membership).

It was agreed to reduce the junior membership to £10 and £95 for a family membership. This would be updated on the web site. Steve

Next meeting 7th March

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