PSKC Trustees meeting 20th June 2017

Present: Andy Johnstone, Ian Coldwell, Steve Bacica, Catherine Scott, Sara Christy, Jeremy Webb, Lorna Sherwood, Mhairi Sumner

Apologies: Graeme Findlay

Accidents/ Incidents/ Near misses – There are non to report.

Minutes – The previous minutes were approved. It was suggested that membership and Finance should be standing items. This was agreed.

Membership – Richard did a break down of the membership. There are 272 members this year (7% increase on last year). 25% of last years members did not re-join. However there are still a number of members who are active that need chasing up. Richard will send out a list of members for each discipline. Richard

Memebermojo and paypal – These are now overseen by Graeme

Finance – The account balance as it stands for sailing, rowing and kayaking. The budgets for each discipline will be sent out to all members by Ian. It was confirmed that the 50% of the costs of the RIB and tractor that are going to be covered by the sailing budget will include core costs and fuel. Ian

Book keeping – Sara’s book keeper (Lynne) has agreed to do the books. Steve would stay as treasurer. The cost of this service will be decided in discussion with Lynne.
Ian , Sara and Steve will meet her.

Link with beach Volleyball – This is ongoing. Catherine

RYA Focus Club – After the RYA carried out preliminary meetings with many clubs across Scotland they have decided to award PSKC ‘Focus Club’ status. The fact we promote all water sports and engage with the community is something they would like to support (it will to support all the clubs activities). They will contact Ian in the near future and a meeting will be arranged. Ian

Web site – Graeme, Jeremy and Lorna have met to discuss a plan for a plan. Over the next couple of months they will meet the different disciplines and get feedback on their needs. Jeremy, Lorna, Graeme

Child Protection Officer – Candida has agreed to take on this role for sailing.

Push the Boat Out – There were approximately 50 members of the public took part in sailing rowing and kayaking over three days. As a result we have 4 new members so far.

Try-athon – It is not known how many volunteers we have for this event. Andy will ask Graeme and liaise with Ian as to whether we cancel this Saturday’s event. An alternative date of 2nd September (12-4pm) was also agreed. Andy and Ian

Next meeting 22nd August

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