Present: Andy Johnstone, Jeremy Webb, Lorna Sherwood, Richard Hope, Ian Coldwell, Graeme Findlay, Catherine Scott
Apologies: Mhairi Sumner, Sara Christie
Accidents/Incidents/ near Misses – The rudder came off the skiff when being launch on one occasion . It was noted that the rowers will be checking the rudder attachments more closely and pick on any potential maintenance.
Rowing – Assuming that there is an extra £1000 from fund raising the trustees agreed that the budget is achievable this year.
Kayaking – The budget was agreed to be achievable
Sailing – To be decided over the next few days
RIB and Tractor – Sailing will absorb 50% of costs of these items for 2017.
Accountant replacement – Ian is to approach a member with the required skills.
Membermojo – Graeme and Osbert are liaising in order to pay the annual fee for membermjo. Graeme has agreed to set this up before the end of April.
Members 2017 – There are 204 members so far and a number of members still have to renew. It was decided that existing members have 2 months to renew their membership after which they are no longer members. They will then no longer be insured.
Child Protection – Andy is going to contact a club parent who is potentially going to to take on the CP role for sailing.
Web Site – Graeme, Lorna and Jeremy will meet to discuss the new temporary web site and content. In the longer term Jeremy has volunteered to lead discussions on developing a more permanent solution. It is hoped this will be ready by 2018 season. They will report back at the next trustees meeting.
Facebook – Ian, Lorna and possibly Michael (from rowing) will send information and pics to Graeme to put on the PSKC Facebook page.
Beach Volleyball – Catherine has been in contact with them and is to arrange a meeting involving sailing, rowing, kayaking and discuss some ideas.
Long term plan – Andy to ask Osbert for the poster.
Try-athon – “4th June 12-4 is the date of this event. Graeme and Andy to co-ordinate with the kayakers and rowers.
Push the boat out – Graeme to do the postings and advertise.
Data protection – It was discussed and the trustees decided that there was no need to register with the ICO (information Commissioners Office).
Aldi Sports Club – Up to £500. Graeme suggested it would be worth applying. The deadline is October.
Sailing committee – It was discussed that they should consider grant applications to fund equipment needs.
Castlebrae partnership – Andy informed the trustees of the grants (£3000) that had been recently received. These would go towards a residential in June for the S1 pupils. They would consolidate the skills they have learnt at the club.
They would also go towards admin’ costs associated with the partnership and possibly training for some of the older pupils so they can help on the sessions.
Skiff regatta – kayaking and sailing are to advertise the event.
RYA – Development support grant is available to help governance of the club. Graeme will apply.
Next meeting 20th June