Present: Andy, Graeme, Lorna, Steve, Richard, Ian
Apologies: Catherine, Mhairi, Sara
Accidents/Incidents/near misses: None to report
Hootanany: It was felt the ceilidh went well and that we would like to do it again next year. The suggestion of having a Burns Supper ceilidh was put forward by Conrad but it was considered to be too close to the Hootanany. Ian is to contact Conrad to thank him and advise on the decision about the Burns Supper. Ian
Membership: Currently 315 members. Graeme to update membermojo. Graeme
Tractor registration: No progress as yet. Deferred until next meeting. Steve
Constitution/ Child protection: This is delegated to the sub-committees. This will be agreed at the AGM. A notice will go out two weeks before. This will detail the changes to the constitution as well as changes to joining instructions. AGM to be held on 6th Feb. A meeting will be held on 16th January to discuss the AGM and agree what is sent to members. Ian to notify all members to hold the date for AGM. Ian
Gate mesh: Sara needs to forward the quote to trustees. Andy will contact her. Andy
Yard Storage: Two kayaks still outstanding (Richard to chase up). Andy to ask Sara how many sailors there are still to pay. Richard and Andy
Trustees to sign off accounts: Trustees have adopted the accounts of 2016-2017. The accounts will go on the web site two weeks before the AGM. A verbal report will supplement accounts from year to date. Steve
Future Plans: Waiting for Rowing plans. The 1yr plans will go out to members two weeks before AGM. The 5yr plans are to go to Ian who will coordinate the major themes of the overarching plan and circulate to trustees to comment on. They will be circulated a few days before the 16th Jan. Ian
A discussion was had regarding the Sports Scotland and council involvement in grant funding to explore improved facilities. Steve is to meet Sports Scotland and E-mail Debbie Scott. He will update trustees at the next meeting. Steve
A discussion was had around what a community sports club involves. Lorna will investigate. Lorna
Reporting board decisions: It was felt that all trustees and members need to be clear on decisions made about projects, especially decisions on wider community engagement. A presentation from each discipline and the community engagement project with Castlebrae High school will be planned for the AGM. All
Web Site: Jeremy, Lorna and Graeme have liaised with members across the disciplines as to their needs. A software package has been identified called ‘Go membership’ that could accommodate the various requirements of PSKC. It will cost £35 per month and 2.9% + 20p on each transaction that goes through the system. The board has decided to move ahead with the system after some further discussion with the Rowers. Jeremy
Congratulations to Graeme on passing his VHF provider qualification and also his power boat instructor certificate.
Next meeting
16th January 7.30 Beach House.
AGM 6th February 2018.