Trustees meeting August 2018

PSKC trustees minutes 28th August 2018

Present: Steve, Andy, Ian, Ali, Richard, Jack (RYA rep’)

Apologies: Graeme, Mhairi, Catherine, Sara, Olly

Accidents/ Incidents/ Near misses – The kids in the Wednesday evening sailing group were playing on the boat and capsizing it.  A member of the public thought they were in trouble and called the RNLI.  It is important that the coast guard is informed when we are on the water as a club sailing activity.  This will be reinforced by Ian reminding members to do this. Ian

A non-club member was seen using club equipment.  It is important that anyone using club equipment needs to be a member, otherwise they are not insured. Andy to ask Graeme to remind members.  Andy

Village Show – Ali is going to buy a grill.  More non rowers are needed. Ali

Members and storage – There are currently 296 members.  Seven have not paid.  Ian is to contact Sara regarding members who are not paying through the web site. 

Storage – there are 34 kayaks (28 have paid).  Ian is to ask Sara about sailing storage.  Ian

Discipline spending – It was decided to release the next 50% of the budgets.  Ian is to let Olly and Lynn know.  Ian

Insurance – It was decided to make a list of all our activities to send to our insurers, and do this each year.  Richard is to make a template to go to each discipline and then send it to Steve to enquire with the insurers. Richard

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) – The SOP need changing so that under the schools activities we state ‘water sports’ rather than limit ourselves to naming each activity we do. Ali is liaising with AALA regarding requirements for FSRC and raft building.  It has been suggested we have our own in house training for raft building. Ali and Andy will organise.  Ali and Andy

Focus Club – Jack reported back on the focus club meeting.  He thought moving to being an RYA training centre is possible. The only concern would be classroom space and public access to the swimming pool while the club is using it for changing.

Ian is to find out the size of the yard and speak to John Kinsey.  Ali is to speak to Maureen about future plans.  Ian and Ali

Membership year – It has been suggested by Graeme that we run memberships from Jan-Dec.  This will be put to the AGM.

Ceilidh evening – Andy to speak to Conrad about organising another ceilidh. Andy

Next Meeting Tuesday 9th October

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