Trustees meeting October 2018

PSKC Trustees meeting 9th October 2018

Present: Ali, Andy, Richard, Mhairi, Catherine, Steve, Ian, Olly, Sara

Apologies: Graeme

Accidents/ incidents/ near misses – On Sunday 26th August it was found that the radios had not been charged ready for the sailing session.  Also the key for the RIB snapped in the ignition while on the water.  The rigiflex was launched but had a hole in it and it started to sink.  The repairs to the key and the rigiflex were not put in the log book.

Andy is going to put a notice on the front of the log book telling the Beach Master that any repairs need to be emailed to Andy that day.  Sara is also to buy a white board to notify people of any repairs needed.  Andy and Sara

Activities for insurers – Richard is to complete a list of the activities for the insurers.  Graeme is to compile a list for sailing and send it to Richard.  Mhairi is to compile it for rowing and Ali for Castlebrae.  Graeme, Mhairi, Ali, Richard

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – Is to be circulated by Ali and discussed at the next meeting. Ali

RTC – Ali is to liaise with Jack re a meet up before the end of October. Ali

Ceilidh – Is to go ahead on the 30th November.  Mhairi is to do some food.  Catherine, Richard, beach House and Bakery are to sell tickets. Andy to liaise with Conrad about the tickets and email all members about the ceilidh. Andy

E-mailing – Trustees are having problems logging on.  Richard is to contact Jeremy. Richard

Feedback from resigning trustees – Catherine met Jeremy and Lorna to ask for feedback on why they stopped being trustees.  She reported that they felt they could have more influence if they were part of a sub committee.  They felt they were not able to ask questions of trustees.  They were not convinced about the club becoming an RTC. 

A discussion was had around these themes. All

Discipline reports – Following the discussion from the previous item it was suggested that we have a discipline report at each trustees meeting.  This was agreed.  All

Budget – Steve, Olly and Ian are to liaise and produce the budget from this year to go to all members. Steve, Olly, Ian

Skiff space/ Yard tidy – The skiffs don’t have enough space for members to access them each week.  A decision was made to move one dinghy along and out of the way.  This will be done on the yard tidy day which is to be 4th November. All

Awards for all grant – It was agreed that Graeme could apply for the awards for All grant to buy a new RIB to replace the Rigiflex.  Graeme

Non members and club equipment – Ian is to remind members that they or their friends can not use club equipment if they are not members. Non members are being chased up by Ali, Richard and Graeme. So far it has been successful in making people join. 

Yard tidy 4th November

Next meeting is 27th November

AGM set for 19th Feb

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