Trustees meeting May 2018

Minutes PSKC trustees meeting 9th May 2018

Accidents/Incidents/ near misses – The gate needs to be adjusted.  Steve is to ask the maintenance group to have a look it.

Matter brought forward

RYA focus group –  Ian is waiting for the RYA to get back to him regarding the club being a focus club. (Action by Ian)

Child Protection – Ali is looking into child protection training.  She will be meeting with the child protection reps from the three disciplines.  She will update us at then next meeting. (Action by Ali)

New web site – Lorna showed a breakdown of the numbers of members taken from the new web site (still early in the season and not a lot of people have re-joined at this stage).

Boat/ Kayak storage – Sara will be sending invoices out for storage in the next week. Some people are not receiving e-mails.  Lorna to speak to Jeremy (Action by Sara and Lorna)

Paypal – Graeme to shut it down and transfer it to main account. (Action by Graeme)

Agenda Items

New storage facilities – On going discussion with the council to expand the shed site.  The sailors need more space and will have to raise money for it.  It was decided that we would not buy a new shed this year. (Action by sailing committee)

Shed repairs – Steve to look at repairing the shed. (Action by Steve)

Yard Storage – Olly has spent a lot of time building the new racks for the Pico’s.  He has arranged for the trees to be pruned so more boats can fit in the yard. The next maintenance group needs to move the boats along to make more space for the kayaks and skiffs.  (Action by Olly, maintenance group)

Yard tidy – It was decided to have a yard tidy on 20th May at 10am.  Lorna to advertise it.  (Action by Lorna)

Discipline plans – Rowing, kayaking and sailing submitted plans for this year.  These will be reviewed at the next meeting in the context of the 5 year plan.  It was noted that funds need to be raised to meet the costs of the proposals. (Action by trustees at next meeting)

RowPorty petty cash – In response to a letter from a member there was discussion about the need for more clarity about how members get reimbursed when they pay for club items with their own funds.

Lorna is to draft a short guidance note to explain the system to members.  Catherine is to draft a response to the member, to be circulated to the trustees for agreement and sent by Ian.(Action by Lorna, Catherine, Ian and All)10th Anniversary – A discussion was had about how we recognise the clubs 10th anniversary next year.  Disciplines should let members know and see if any of them would be interested to get involved in helping organise the event. This will be discussed at the next meeting. (Action by all)

Castlebrae – A five week block is starting for the S1 pupils from Castlebrae  school.  The S2 pupils from last year will also be down to help. (Action Ali and Andy)

Next meeting 19th June

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