Kayaking Update…

There has not been much activity on the kayaking front at PSKC since the evening sessions ended at the end of September, but I wanted to keep everyone informed of what is going on…

Pool sessions – we usually have pool sessions at Leith Academy. Availability of the pool is always an issue but we have always managed several sessions for both children and adults over the winter. We always have problems getting pool boats but last year we borrowed some from Lothian Sea Kayak Club. This year Edinburgh Leisure are also insisting that we provide our own qualified Lifeguards. This means we probably will not run any pool sessions this year. We do not believe this is necessary since we always have several qualified canoe coaches in all sessions. This is very frustrating so sorry about this. If anyone knows any qualified Lifeguards or knows of other pools we can use please let me know.

Maintenance day – our kayaks get a lot of use over the summer. They now need a bit of maintenance to make sure they last. This will involve cleaning boats, footplate and seat maintenance, skeg repairs and rinsing / dunking all buoyancy aids and spray decks. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR THIS !! Can we set a date for either this weekend (17/18 November) or next (24/25 November). Let me know if you can make either of these dates and I will set a date.

Kayaking planning – it would be good to get feedback from members on what activities people want. This club is run by volunteers and we need members to participate in running the club. We need more people helping to organise activities since we rely on just a few people to run and organise activities. If you want to help please let me know – all are welcome and you do not need to be an experienced kayaker! I will also set up a meeting for all members to discuss kayaking plans for next year (probably after new year) – watch out for this.

Ceilidh – there is a club ceilidh on Friday 30 November at Bellfield. All are welcome! Tickets £10 for adults / £5 for children. Please get in touch with me for tickets (email rhope@pskc.org.uk) or buy them at the Beach House Cafe or Bakery.

While there are very few organised club sessions over the winter, members are able to use club kayaks if they wish. We want to encourage club members to organise peer paddles with others, especially when the weather is good. Just put out messages on Facebook or by email.

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