Minutes 5th March

Minutes trustees meeting 5th March 2019

Attendees: Andy, Sara, Anthony, Ali, Catherine, John, Richard

Apologies: Olly, Ian

Nominations: Olly is treasurer, Andy Secretary and Ali is Chair (Richard is to send an email to all members informing them of the office bearers)

Standing Items

Previous minutes – Accepted

Accidents/Incidents/ Near misses – Non to report

Financial report – Left until the treasurer is in attendance

Membership – Richard volunteered to oversee this, he will report next meeting.

Infrastructure – It was proposed that a meeting be held to decide the brief that PSKC will take to John Kinsey. John has agreed to draw up a plan and submit it for planning.  In principle trustees agree to do this subject to start term funding from core funds (Sara to contact Olly).  Sara will call a meeting for interested trustees in the next week. Sara

Insurance requests – There is a need for listing small items as well as boats.  Catherine is to draw up a list of activities that she will present to the insurers. She will also present them to an insurance broker.  Catherine

Temporary membership – New Rowers are now only having one row free and it is being organised through SPOND.  Catherine is to send round the temporary membership form which will be kept in the Beach House café.  Richard is to develop a flow chart as to the temporary membership process. Catherine and Richard

Response to financial governance on SPOND – Anthony is to write a letter to address members concerns. Anthony

10 year anniversary – Sara is to pick a date in June and Anthony is to help out.  Sara and Anthony

Inactive boats in the yard – Sara is to contact the sailors that do not use their boats and ask them to take the boats away. Sara

New Rib loan – A new RIB to replace the Rigiflex has been sourced by Graeme and Andy. It is £1600.  The sailing budget needs a loan from next year’s sailing budget of £500 to make up the total. It was decided that on this occasion any donation from the swimming club would go towards the boat. Andy to let Graeme know.  Andy

RNLI community meeting – It was decided this would be worth PSKC attending and asking about safety concerns relevant to us.  It may be a good idea to ask the RNLI to make a separate visit to speak to PSKC.  Andy is to attend the community meeting. Andy

Common repair system (AALA) – To overcome the objective of having a common boat repair system for all three disciplines it was decided to have a member from each discipline come together and plan a common method.  Andy is to ask the sailors for a rep’. John will ask the rowers and Richard the kayakers. John, Andy, Richard

Trustee roles – Insurance=Catherine, Membership= Richard, Child Protection= Sara,

(Richard is to complete the PVG forms for the relevant people).  OSCR= Andy

 Anthony= draw up a review timetable for policies (he will speak to Ali). Anthony


Insurance – Catherine is to look into liability cover for trustees. Catherine

Employee – The possibility of having an employed person for one day a week was discussed.  As the club grows they would oversee systems and administration which has grown as the club has grown.  This is currently run by volunteers.  This will be discussed at a future meeting.

Meeting dates – It was decided that it would be useful to have the trustee meeting dates for the year.  Andy is to circulate the dates.  Andy

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