minutes 23rd April

Minutes PSKC trustees meeting 23/4/19

Present: Andy, Ali, Catherine, John, Richard, Sara, Anthony

Apologies : Ian

1. Previous minutes – previous minutes approved.

2. Accidents/ Incidents/ Near misses – A kayaker capsized while on a trip to N. Berwick with the club.  He got the beginnings of hyperthermia. The kayaker was warmed up when he got to shore. A detailed report was made and circulated to trustees. Andy is to keep a copy of all incidents.  It was decided that all incidents should include a follow up with the people that were involved.

Catherine raised the concern that the reporting system for incidents on the web site does not appear to go anywhere. Catherine is to speak to Jeremy.  Catherine, Richard, Andy

3. Yard protocols – Ali summarised the current relationship between PSKC and the Beach House cafe. This was following the creation of a garden in the boatyard without prior knowledge by the Trustees. Concerns had also been raised by members.

The club conflict of interest policy was discussed and it was stated that even where this conflict failed to materialise, it should still be formally recorded. Sara acknowledged that the building of the garden area should have been brought to the attention of trustees.  Sara has donated the garden and bench to the club.

An e-mail to members will be sent explaining the building of the new garden and bench and how it can be used by members. Ali, Sara

A discussion was had about the new lease. Catherine is going to liaise with the council regarding the new lease and make sure the relationship between the Beach House and PSKC is clear.

Richard was concerned about the space for kayaks being infringed upon by the bins and the raised beds.  If necessary the bins and raised bends can be adjusted/ moved.  Richard, Catherine

4. Insurance – Catherine would like feedback on the club activities regarding insurance and is getting quotes. Feedback is required by Friday 26th April. Andy is to find out who the insurers are for Port Edgar Water sports.  A collective decision will be made on the quotes by 19th May. Catherine, all

5. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) – All updates to Andy by Friday 3rd May.  Andy is to write up a tractor Risk Assessment.  The SOP will be discussed at the next meeting.  Andy, all

6. Inactive boats – Sara is chasing up boats that are inactive. The matter of identifying club and non club boats was also raised and it was agreed that a system needed developed to prevent private boats being misused. Sara, Anthony

7. Membership – So far 200 people have renewed.  This is in line with this time last year (49% of these people live in EH15).  Members need to renew by 30th April.  Non members are to be taken off SPOND.  Richard is to circulate a list of non members. Richard

8. Common repairs – John is working on volunteers to help him.  John

9. Finance – The money in the account is similar to last year.  This needs to cover accountancy, insurance, repairs, rent etc.  It was decided to allocate half the years budget to the disciplines (£2500).  This will be split in the same proportion as last year 50% sailing, 30% kayaking and 20% rowing (the split takes into account the income from each section of the club, including income from storage fees).  This work out as £1250 Sailing, £750 Kayaking and £500 Rowing. As members continue to join more money will become available later in the year.

The possibility of our accountant producing a small simple summary for our meetings and for members would be useful.  Ali is going to speak to Lynn before each meeting and ask her about producing this summary.  Lynn will be invited along to the next meeting.  Ali

10. Infrastructure – Different planning ideas were discussed  for a new club house and storage facility.  Another meeting will be held with the architect before a decision is made.  All

11. New RIB – This has been delivered. 

12. RNLI talk – Sara is to contact Friends of Porty Prom and report back at the next meeting.  Andy is to ask RLNI if they are able to give a talk about cold water shock and safety. Sara, Andy

13. Castlebrae and schools partnerships – £2250 has been raised by the club to support the Castlebrae/ PSKC 3 day residential in June.  This has come from a grant and a bursary.   Castlebrae will make up the short fall.  There have been meetings with Brunstane Primary School and Towerbank Primary School with a view o develop future partnerships.

The next block of 5 Friday mornings is starting with Castlbrae on Friday 26th April, this will involve S1 and also some S2. Andy, Ali

14. Outstanding matters – members concerns raised after the AGM were addressed by Ali in a letter to the members.  Their concerns have been noted and action taken by the trustees to implement changes regarding accounting. All

15. The 10 year anniversary – It is proposed that we have the anniversary on 14/15th September. Sara, Anthony

                Next meeting  June 18th 7.30 Beach House

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