Trustee minutes 10th December 2019

Minutes Trustees meeting 10th December 2019

Present: Ali Grant, Andy Johnstone, Catherine Scott, Richard Hope, John Holligan, Sara Christey, Anthony Alderson (left meeting after the first three items were discussed).

Accidents/ incidents/ near misses – The skiff capsize report was discussed. Catherine will take back our recommendations to the rowing committee.

  1. Space blankets be made available in these circumstances.
  2. The Coxes hand book should be made available in the shed.
  3. All Coxes need to be trained in seamanship and drogue use.

Membership – 354 members (302 adults, 52 junior). To encourage participation of young people there was a suggestion that Wednesday sailing and kayaking could be on different days (this would depend on the availability of instructors).

It was decided to remove family membership from the joining options as it is difficult to manage administratively. Families would join as separate adults and juniors. To encourage younger people to join it was decided to offer a junior (up to 18), young adult (19-25) and adult 26+ membership.   These proposals would be put to the members at the AGM. Richard

Finances – The account has been changed from Ollie’s address to the accountants. Thanks to Lynn for all her efforts in making this happen. An advert for a new treasurer will be put out to sailors, rowers and kayakers by Andy, Catherine and Richard.  Andy, Catherine, Richard.

AGM – The AGM will be on the 27th Feb. It will be discussed at the next meeting.

Roof repair – The lead option was approved. John will progress.  John

Infrastructure – Richard to tell John to draw up the latest plan in time for the next meeting.  Richard

Boats in yard – A meeting this Sunday at 10am between Catherine, John, Andy, Richard and Sara will identify boats and make a new plan.  They will assess how many boats can stay in the yard if a new structure is built. Catherine, John, Andy, Richard and Sara

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – Malcolm is re-writing the SOP. Andy

Insurance for trips – Sara will put together a generic policy and Risk Assessments for next season. Sara

Document Storage – Richard and Catherine to look at setting up a file structure.  Richard and Catherine.EVOC – Ali to organise a date in March for al

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