Present: Andy Johnstone, Ali Grant, Richard Hope, John Holligan, Catherine Scott
Apologies: Sara Christey, Anthony Alderson
Accidents/ Incidents/ near Misses – None to report
Membership – Current membership is 350 (190 male and 160 female). There are not many members under 25. It was suggested that we raise the junior membership age category to 25. This would be to encourage under 25s to be members. To be discussed at the AGM. All
Finance – In the absence of a treasurer Ali needs some help overseeing finances with Lynn, Richard offered to help do this. Ali and Richard
Storage – All storage needs to be paid through Go membership in order to ensure all members are following the same system and that all Trustees are providing consistent information. The old RBS account is in the process of being closed and we need to avoid any monies being paid into it, through those who may have followed a pre- Go! Membership arrangement. This payment format needs to be communicated at the AGM and Sara needs to make this clear in the storage letters. All and Sara
Ceilidh – A good night although it relied on Ali and Andy to promote and sell tickets. If/when the club holds an event again, we will need more people involved in organising and promoting it. All
PB2 training – A number of members put themselves forward to gain the PB2 qualification. It was decided that two people from each discipline would do it in the first instance. Andy is to organise the course and contact people that put their names forward. Andy
Un-used boats in the yard – The agreed series of three letters asking members to remove boats was not used by Sara as the boats were taken away beforehand. She has phoned the members who have a boat and do not use it to say that they will need to find alternative arrangements for their boat for next year.
A discussion was had about the length of time it is taking to resolve this issue. It was also felt that collectively, Trustees do not have a clear insight into the current situation and that this is not ideal. It was thought that this issue be best sorted by a sub group. Richard, Catherine Andy and John are happy to take on this task with Sara. Catherine is to ask Sara for any information she currently has regarding boat storage. Richard is to look at Go membership and storage (to stop it being possible for members to automatically renew storage without prior approval). Times to meet will be put out in the next week by Catherine. Andy, Catherine, Richard, Sara
Document storage – John is to ask Michael Reville what the best storage options are for electronic documents. John
Centralised repair system – John is to get the information off Graeme to add to the information he already has from rowers and kayakers and will report to the next meeting. John
Garage repair – The first option involved using lead flashing. It was felt this was expensive and might get stolen and a cheaper version could be sought as we might only need it for a couple of years. John will ask for a new quote. John
SOP – Andy is to put the rowing section on the web site and Malcolm has offered to update the rest of the document. Andy will liaise with him. Andy
SCVO – It was suggested that, following the AGM, we undertake a 2hr ‘bespoke’ training course, as offered by EVOC. This is specifically targeted at Trustees. As well as raising awareness of our collective responsibilities, it would support us to govern in a consistent way. Ali
Future Plans – Ali and Richard to meet John and discuss final tweaks to possible building plans. Ali and Richard
New Lease – Catherine has been in discussion with a property lawyer about amendments we should ask the council to make to the draft lease. She will progress this with the council. Catherine
Towerbank and Castlebrae – The last block of 5 weeks went ahead successfully. Both schools want to continue and would like to have a deeper partnership where they connect the activities to the curriculum. Staff training for school staff was requested from Towerbank and we would like to support this. Andy will meet with both schools and progress. Andy
AOB – A group promoting surf skiing are doing trips along the coast and would like RIB support. Ali is to get back to them as we would like to support this. Ali
Next meeting Dec 17th
There was some discussion about whether this was an appropriate date, given its proximity to Christmas. An email will be circulated to gauge availability or seek a new date.